Problems Viewing Site
The most common problem is text and pictures overlapping.  I use a website creation program, in this case Wysiwyg Web Builder, and these programs are less than perfect in that they contain many compromises.  One consequence arises from the way in which text is based on dpi.   If you've altered the display properties dpi from it's standard 96 to 120, presumably for accessibility, you will probably get the overlap.  Changing the dpi back to the standard setting will usually cure the problem.    Decreasing your font size can also cure the problem.

The fact that a large proportion of electric bike riders will be in older age groups, often with less than 20/20 vision, has prompted me to use a fairly large font, so that doesn't help since it can exacerbate the above problem.  Another factor is the difference between browsers.   For example, the Mozilla browser uses a different text height formula from the accepted standard that Internet Explorer uses, so that also causes problems, mainly for website constructors though, since they  have to leave additional space for that factor, given that Mozilla is so popular now.  Indeed I use it myself for browsing, though Internet Explorer is used for webpage testing.

If you experience any other problem, please use the Contact button , here or on the home page and let me know it's nature.   Thank you, and my apologies for any inconvenience viewing problems have caused you.