Many taken in my garden, click photos to enlarge, then press F11 to go larger and again to return.
Disappointed sparrowhawk after       a failed grab at a wood pigeon.
Young Jay only about two or three  weeks  after  fledging.
Mob of  twelve  bluetits using just  two  feeders  somehow.

All on YouTube. These top three were filmed with a high speed camera, so show the birds flying in slow motion at   one tenth of the normal speed.              Click on each video photo to start it playing.
Short clip.  Jay taking off, showing how  smooth  and  swift   they  are.
Short clip.    Pigeons taking off, watch the leaves fly, showing the down thrust force  of  the  air  under  the  wings.
Small birds group, see how they stop flapping in mid flight and how lacking in skills they can be.
At the left, this video of a jay in flight from a feeder is even slower motion.  Filmed at 600 frames (photos) per second, it plays at one twentieth of the normal speed.  The three videos above were filmed at  300 frames per second.
And finally on the right a video at normal speed of blue tits, great tits and a nuthatch flying in and out of a wall mounted birdtable, and being  very  fussy  about  which  seed  or  nut  they  select.
Canada Geese Family
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Chaffinch, male
Mallard Ducks
Green Parakeets
Collared Dove
Jay in flight
Green Parakeet
Blue Tit using a nestbox in a local woodland, flying in, then showing the oak moth caterpillar it had found for the nestlings, then flying away afterwards.  Doing well despite the period of bad weather.
Great Spotted Woodpecker at hole to feed  it's  noisy  chick.
After being fed the chick looks our to watch the adult go.  It's clearly nearly ready  to  fledge.
Green Woodpecker feeding on ants. Very low resolution camera